Drivers of intimate fatherhood in contemporary China: Childhood experiences, social media, and partner encouragement




Intimate fatherhood, reflexivity, personal biographies, maternal gate-opening, Social media, China Family Panel Studies


Objective: This study aims to investigate what factors contribute to the display of intimate fatherhood amongst contemporary urban Chinese fathers.

Background: Although a growing body of research has investigated men’s involvement in physical, and more recently, also emotional involvement in childcare, what drives men to be emotionally involved in childcare has received scant attention in the research literature, particularly in Asian countries such as China.

Method: Our study draws on in-depth interviews with 19 urban Chinese fathers to investigate why men display intimate fatherhood in parenting. The thematic analysis procedure is used to answer our research questions.

Results: Findings show that men’s disappointed feelings about the limited involvement of their own fathers, the intimate fatherhood contents presented in social media, and encouragement from their partner were important contributing drivers for contemporary Chinese fathers to display intimate fatherhood.

Conclusion: Our study highlights the importance of personal biographies, partner influences, and social media in contributing to men’s emotional involvement in childcare. Our findings are useful for policymakers and professionals to understand, and to promote, as well as strengthen, men’s commitment to displaying intimate fatherhood.


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How to Cite

Wang, L., & Keizer, R. (2024). Drivers of intimate fatherhood in contemporary China: Childhood experiences, social media, and partner encouragement. Journal of Family Research, 36, 211–228.




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