// Hess, Schmitz, Naegele & Stiemke (2023): You will take care of me when I am old: Norms on caregiver obligations – an analysis with data of the European Values Survey. Journal of Family Research ** (1) Prepare country level data import excel "`0722CountriesEurope.xls", sheet("Sheet1") firstrow clear destring cntry_test , generate(merger) gen merger = cntry_test save "`CountryData.dta", replace *** (2) Append macro data global raw "|| data_folder ||" global eurosurvey5 "`ZA7505_v2-0-0" global macro "`CountryData" use $eurosurvey5, clear keep if wave==5 gen merger = cntry keep D026_05 X001 X011 X025A_01 X028 X007 F034 X007 X047E_EVS5 X025A_01 X028 X002 A009 E033 year merger gwght merge m:m merger using $macro *** (3) Prepare data mvdecode D026_05 X001 X011 X025A_01 X028 X007 F034 X007 X047E_EVS5 X025A_01 X028 A009 E033 X002, mv(-1=. \ -2=.\ -5=.) * (3.1) Dependent variable: Carevalue rename D026_05 carevalue tab carevalue gen carevalue2=carevalue recode carevalue2 (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1) //Recode so that higher values equal higher duty/social norms * (3.2) Explanatory variables individual level rename X001 gender //Gender gen age=year-X002 //Year of birth gen agecat=age recode agecat (18/39=1) (40/59=2) (60/83=3) rename X011 children //Children replace children=1 if children>1 rename A009 health //Health recode health (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1) //Recode so that higher values equal better health gen healthcat=health recode healthcat (1=1) (2=1) (3=1) (4=2) (5=2) gen education=1 if X025A_01<3 //Education replace education=2 if X025A_01==3 replace education=2 if X025A_01==4 replace education=3 if X025A_01>4 gen employment=1 if X028<4 //Employment replace employment=2 if X028>3 gen mstatus=1 if X007<3 //Marital status replace mstatus=2 if X007>2 rename F034 religion //Religion * (3.3) Macro level rename Currenthealthexpenditureof healthexp rename Laborforceparticipationrate femforce rename cntry_test country * (3.4) Missings *Listwise deletion drop if carevalue2==. | gender ==. | age==. | health==. | education==. | employment==. | mstatus==. | children==. | religion==. | country==. | healthexp==. | femforce==. * obs. n=54,880 * groups n=35 *** (4) Multilevel models * (4.1) Nullmodell xtmixed carevalue2 [pweight=gwght] || country:, mle estat icc estat ic * (4.2) Random Intercept *M1 *Only individual level independent variables xtmixed carevalue2 b2.gender b1.agecat b1.healthcat b1.education b2.employment b2.mstatus children b1.religion [pweight=gwght] || country:, mle estat icc estat ic *M2 *Including individual- and macro level independent variables xtmixed carevalue2 b2.gender b1.agecat b1.healthcat b1.education b2.employment b2.mstatus children b1.religion healthexp femforce [pweight=gwght] || country:, mle estat icc estat ic *(4.3) Random Slope *Assumption that the relationship between carevalue and gender varies across countries *M1 *Only individual level independent variables xtmixed carevalue2 b2.gender b1.agecat b1.healthcat b1.education b2.employment b2.mstatus children b1.religion [pweight=gwght] || country: b2.gender, covariance(unstructured) mle estat icc estat ic *M2 *Including individual- and macro level independent variables xtmixed carevalue2 b2.gender b1.agecat b1.healthcat b1.education b2.employment b2.mstatus children b1.religion healthexp femforce [pweight=gwght] || country: b2.gender, covariance(unstructured) mle estat icc estat ic *M3 *Including cross-level interaction to explain gender differences xtmixed carevalue2 b2.gender c.femforce#b2.gender b1.agecat b1.healthcat b1.education b2.employment b2.mstatus children b1.religion healthexp femforce [pweight=gwght] || country: b2.gender, covariance(unstructured) mle estat icc estat ic testparm gender#c.femforce margins, dydx(gender) at(femforce=(10(10)100)) marginsplot, yscale(range(-1 1)) *** (5.) Descriptive analyses & effect sizes svyset [pweight=gwght] bysort country: sum carevalue2 [aweight=gwght] anova carevalue2 country [aweight=gwght] estat esize svy: tab agecat bysort agecat: sum carevalue2 [aweight=gwght] anova carevalue2 agecat [aweight=gwght] estat esize svy: tab gender bysort gender: sum carevalue2 [aweight=gwght] anova carevalue2 gender [aweight=gwght] estat esize svy: tab healthcat bysort healthcat: sum carevalue2 [aweight=gwght] anova carevalue2 healthcat [aweight=gwght] estat esize svy: tab education bysort education: sum carevalue2 [aweight=gwght] anova carevalue2 education [aweight=gwght] estat esize svy: tab employment bysort employment: sum carevalue2 [aweight=gwght] anova carevalue2 employment [aweight=gwght] estat esize svy: tab mstatus bysort mstatus: sum carevalue2 [aweight=gwght] anova carevalue2 mstatus [aweight=gwght] estat esize svy: tab children bysort children: sum carevalue2 [aweight=gwght] anova carevalue2 children [aweight=gwght] estat esize svy: tab religion bysort religion: sum carevalue2 [aweight=gwght] anova carevalue2 religion [aweight=gwght] estat esize