Stepgrandparent-stepgrandchild contact in diverse family contexts: Stepfamily structure and existing family relationships
divorce, postdivorce families, intergenerational contact, stepfamily relationshipsAbstract
Objective: To describe stepgrandparent-stepgrandchild contact and examine how contact varies across stepfamily structures and with the strength of family relationships existing prior to stepfamily formation.
Background: Stepgrandparenthood is on the rise. Little is known, however, about how stepgrandparents enact their likely ambiguous role and how this depends on the opportunities associated with and provided by the broader family context.
Method: Using Dutch survey data, descriptive information about stepgrandparent-stepgrandchild contact was presented. Random intercept multilevel models were used to analyze 2,261 stepgrandparent-stepgrandchild dyads nested in 1,373 children to assess the role of stepfamily structure and existing family relationships.
Results: Stepgrandparents saw their stepgrandchildren on average several times a year. When the child and/or the stepparent coresided with the biological parent and in the case of half-siblings, contact levels were higher. When the stepparent had biological children living outside the stepfamily’s household, stepgrandparents had less contact with stepgrandchildren. Contact was also lower when the divorced biological parents of the child had a nonconflictual relationship.
Conclusion: Overall, the frequency of stepgrandparent-stepgrandchild contact is low. Coresidence is critical for a higher contact frequency, indicating the importance of contact opportunities and strong within-stepfamily relationships. Strong ties of the stepfamily to a former family may compete with stepgrandparent-stepgrandchild relationships.
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